I want to search many PPM’s (ActivePerl packages) and printing multi line results into a file.
This is Windows XP PC, using ActivePerl 5.10.0 Build 1004.
So I have the file “require_for_padre.txt” which contains all the Perl modules needed for Padre.
I took the names from:
and put each after the search query of ActiveState PPM, as follows:
(Note – this is for running from DOS):
ppm search App::Ack ppm search Carp ppm search Class::Adapter ... ppm search Test::Exception ppm search Test::NoWarnings ppm search Test::NeedsDisplay
Now I wand to read all the above – and put the output – which is multi line per each search – into a text file.
Here’s the way:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Cwd; use File:: Path; my $cur_dir = getcwd(); my $pkg_file = "require_for_padre.txt"; my $dest_file = "ppm_output_for_padre.txt"; my $line = ""; my $ppm_search_line = ""; my $total_lines = 0; my $actual_lines = 0; ## my $cur_line = 0; ## Get the answer for the ppm search: my $get_ppm_search_answer = ""; opendir(DIRHANDLE, "$cur_dir") or die "couldn't open $cur_dir: $!"; print "Openned $cur_dirn"; open (PKG_FILE, "$pkg_file") or die "couldn't open $pkg_file: $!"; print "Openned $pkg_filen"; print "----------------------------------------------------------n"; # create a blank file open (DST_FILE, ">$dest_file"); close (DST_FILE); print "tttcreated $dest_filen"; print "----------------------------------------------------------n"; open (DST_FILE, ">$dest_file"); while (<PKG_FILE>) { $total_lines = $total_lines +1 ; ## $cur_line = 0; my $ppm_search_line = $_; #print "nnnn$line $total_lines :t $linen"; print "$ppm_search_line"; #system("$ppm_search_line"); print for qx{$ppm_search_line}; } close (DST_FILE); close (PKG_FILE); closedir(DIRHANDLE); print "$total_lines are: $total_lines n";
That’s it
How to run?
Well… :
N:OrenMperl_ppm>ppms_padre001.pl ppm_output_for_padre.txt